March 06, 2024

Name / Hometown:

My name is Arantzazu Garaitza Azuara Heredia and I was born in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. The name of my hometown translates to Beautiful Village and, no, we did not invent Tabasco pepper sauce. That happened in Louisiana. We did invent cocoa, the beverage, and have been eating chocolate since before the Hispanic Conquistadors colonized Central America. 

Program of study (certificate or degree?)

Digital Media Communications.

Why did you choose SFCC?

I assumed it would feel more personal to go to a smaller institution and I like that community is in the title of community college. It does feel like there is a community at SFCC and the instruction for sure feels a lot more personal. I spent a year away from Sedalia wondering where I might stop to go to college. SFCC was cheap, safe, and has been a wonderful experience for me. Also, it is close to the people I love who live in the United States and it has allowed me to slow down in life. I knew a technical degree would best fit my needs at the time and SFCC has provided a place for me to work, explore, and take my time for once. 

How is SFCC preparing you for success?

The courses in my program are mostly hands-on and have helped me get better at honing my skills to carry out big projects. I have learned to plan, communicate, and execute my ideas. I cannot thank the ocean for teaching me how to swim if its only nature is to wave, I taught myself how to swim, the ocean merely gave me a reason to pursue it. So, SFCC has acted as a haven for me to discover what motivates me, impassions me, and allows me to swim. The programs have acted as a guide that I have used to fill in the gaps in my plan. 

What is your favorite thing about being a student at SFCC?

The instructors and the connection. It is an exceedingly small town, and it only takes about a year before you start recognizing everyone’s faces. Then, just as quickly as you get to know everyone you are almost ready to graduate. It is a bit of a bittersweet tale, but it speaks of the importance of change. Ferris Bueller famously said, “Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” I think my favorite part about being a student here is that break of urgency, how easy it feels here to cross the barrier between reality and having a mighty laugh with your favorite teacher. It is the fact that I only get two years with all these wonderful people that has pushed me to be present for every part of my college experience. The size of the school has made it easier to detach myself from the larger world and let the small pleasures of a small university engulf me. I try to appreciate the effort of all the people who work here every day to make a difference in our community. It is incredibly special to be a part of something seemingly small. 

Anything else you’d like to add about your time/experience at SFCC?

If anything, SFCC has given me the time/space to grow while still feeling like I’m “contributing to society.” 

What are your employment goals after completing your certificate or degree?

In societal terms, I want to be an entrepreneur. I do not have employment goals; I have crazy ideas. I want to make it all a reality and still have money to take care of my people. My highest priority accomplishment is to give my people (including me) what they deserve and once I do that, I’ll have to think of something else. However, I do not doubt that it could take my entire life.

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