May 31, 2019

Clinton, Missouri – State Fair Community College held a signing ceremony at its SFCC-Clinton campus Thursday. The event recognized the simulation and skills lab collaboration between the college, Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare (GVMH) and the Clinton Technical School (CTS) to help expand the SFCC nursing program and give students a path to RN degree in Clinton.

Front (left to right) Jake Fowler, Clinton Technical School director, Dr. Joanna Anderson, SFCC college president, and Craig Thompson, GVMH chief executive officer are joined by representatives from each partnering institution, the City of Clinton and the Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce.

Together, SFCC, CTS and GVMH will support the new nursing program at the SFCC-Clinton campus with access to simulation technology. This access provides nursing students simulated experiences that mimic real-world patient care scenarios.
“This partnership provides a real opportunity for Clinton residents to pursue a very meaningful career path,” said Craig Thompson, Golden Valley Memorial Healthcare CEO.

GVMH is a leading not-for-profit, healthcare organization with a 56-bed hospital, home health services, hospice services, rehab and wellness services and physician and outpatient clinics in Clinton. It also has multi-specialty physician clinics in Osceola, Warsaw and Windsor, with more than 60 providers in 11 specialties. In addition, GVMH serves as a location for nursing students to complete their clinical studies.

The State Fair Community College A.A.S in Nursing is a Bi-level Nursing program that prepares students to complete the requirements for Practical Nursing after the first year and the requirements for Associate Degree Nursing after the second year.
“This partnership helps ensure students can start and finish their nursing degrees right here in Clinton,” said Dr. Joanna Anderson, college president. “Whether you are starting right out of high school or if you have graduated from the Clinton Technical School with an LPN, you can enter our RN program seamlessly, complete your clinical studies at Golden Valley and earn a nursing degree from State Fair Community College.”

The partnership allows SFCC students to participate in simulation and skills labs at the Clinton Technical School, while providing students with a transfer option from CTS to SFCC.

“I think it is outstanding that our kids can graduate high school with a CNA (certified nursing assistant), go to our LPN (licensed practicing nurse) school, then 11 months later complete an LP and bridge into an RN program without ever leaving our community,” said Jake Fowler, Clinton Technical School director.

The new nursing program begins this fall with preliminary courses beginning this summer.

The nursing program at SFCC was recently ranked as the number one nursing program in Missouri by and To learn more about the SFCC nursing program visit

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