Let’s face it; college courses can sometimes be challenging. You might be struggling with your math homework or desire some feedback on a paper? The Tutoring and Academic Success Department is here to help you succeed. Check out the FREE services below.

Tutoring Center
The Tutoring Center is located in the Donald C. Proctor Library (Yeater 193).

Academic Tutoring

Academic tutoring is a great way to get a little extra help with challenging course material. We offer assistance in all math and writing courses, as well as other courses that vary by semester. Drop by with your questions, or check out the current tutoring schedule

Online Tutoring

tutor online

Can’t make it to the campus Tutoring Lab? With online tutoringyou can email us your math questions or have a writing tutor review your paper. For some math courses, online web sessions also are available by appointment.

Tutoring Self-Help Resources

These self-help resources offer quick help with frequently asked questions, including video tutorials and lessons to give you a little extra help with your coursework.

Free Workshops

The Tutoring and Academic Support Department offers free workshops periodically throughout the year. Click the link to view what upcoming workshops are available. 

Computer Access

keyboardingComputers with Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and internet access are available in the Tutoring Lab (Yeater 193) and the Donald C. Proctor Library. Hours for holidays, breaks, final examinations periods, etc. can vary. Please call the Proctor Library at (660) 530-5842 for hours during these times.

Toll Free (877) 311-7322

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