Welcome to SFCC!

Your future starts here! SFCC is grateful you have chosen this college at this time so we can help you achieve a better life and future. Now is the time to prepare for a great career or to gain the knowledge to transfer and continue earning higher degrees. 

Will Rogers said, “The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking spaces.” When you are tempted to park your future on the side of the road, contact your navigator for help! They are here to help you stay on the road to your future!

Your SFCC Team

Let's Get Started!

√ Enroll in classes on time.
See the Academic Dates and Deadlines for enrollment and drop dates.   

√ Check your financial aid.
Go to mySFCC >>> Financial-Aid page to check for red flags. Once all red flags have changed to green check marks, your FAFSA application process is complete! You will then be able to see your financial aid offer package. The mySFCC Financial Aid page also has information about scholarships, applying for student loans and other money management tools.

√ Pay your bill.
If your account has a balance greater than $0 after the fees due date, you will have a hold placed on your account. For more information, visit how to pay your bill.

√  Purchase your textbooks 
Order your textbooks and course supplies at www.sfccbooks.com. You can choose to have your books shipped directly to your door or you can choose in-store pick-up! It is strongly recommended to order online.

Shop Now:

  • Simply sign-in to mySFCC and select ENROLL on the left-hand side blue menu.
  • Under the ENROLLMENT TOOLS heading, select ‘Get Books From Your SFCC Campus Store’ located right below ‘Student Schedule.’ You will be routed to our online store with all your course supply needs loaded for you in your cart; you just go in and choose the ones you want!

Click HOURS & TEXTBOOK AVAILABILITY for details. Still have some questions? Email CampusStore@sfccmo.edu.

√ Go to all your classes, get connected and have FUN!
Going to classes, whether on-ground or online, is necessary to be successful in college. Check mySFCC announcements and student email often so you know what is going on!

√ Roadrunner Ready – SFCC Orientation 
Roadrunner Ready, the SFCC Orientation Program, is a great tool for students who are new at SFCC. The college offers two orientation options, on-ground and online. Students who participate in Roadrunner Ready are prepared for academic success, having learned about campus resources, financial aid and scholarships, textbook options, SFCC academic technology, and more. For more information, visit Student Orientation

 Add or drop classes.
You cannot drop a course by simply notifying the instructor or by no longer attending. All hours from course drops will count as attempted hours for course repeats, determining eligibility to continue enrollment, determining eligibility to receive financial aid and scholarships, determining residence hall eligibility and determining athletic eligibility. It is your responsibility to notify the instructor and follow the process if you want to drop your classes. Click Add or Drop for more information.

Students can drop their last class or withdraw from all classes online through mySFCC. The link to the Student Withdrawal Form is located in mySFCC > Enroll > Enrollment Tools > Add or drop classes. 

*No refunds are issued after the drop date. See the Academic Dates and Deadlines for drop dates.  

√  Apply for graduation
Are you close to completing your certification or degree? To apply for graduation, go to mySFCC > Academics > I Need To … and click Apply for Graduation. 

 Update your address and phone numbers.
Keep this information current to ensure financial aid information, checks and important notices, including SFCC Alerts, reach you. At any time, go to mySFCC > Home> Personal Information, and select Update Contact and Emergency Information to make changes.

√ Get connected and stay connected!
Read mySFCC Campus and Personal announcements and your SFCC student email. We correspond with you through SFCC email, so check it regularly. Important information is posted daily about events, news and reminders. You can get your SFCC email on your Smart phone or other mobile devices. Go to ITS Knowledge Base to learn how to do this!

√ Get your BLUECARD
You can now generate your own digital student ID (BLUECARD) using the TouchNet 360u app. Learn how here!  

If you are unable to download the app to your phone to create your digital ID, you can pick up your physical BLUECARD in Student Services, Hopkins Student Center, Room 750, on the Sedalia campus during regular office hours. 

Questions or need a physical card? Visit BLUECARD FAQs webpage or contact Student Services at 660-530-5830. 

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Leave Ready!

State Fair Community College provides relevant and responsive learning experiences that empower our students and communities to prosper.

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