We want you to succeed. In fact, that’s the whole mission of our Student Success Center staff—to help you define, clarify and achieve your academic, personal and professional goals.

If you’re having difficulty in your courses, we can connect you with the support and resources you need, including navigator advising, counseling services and disability services.

The Student Success Center can help with:

  • Educational problems
  • Campus and community resources
  • Social environment problems
  • Housing resources
  • Economic barriers to your education
  • Mental health counseling and referrals
  • Career development and referrals
  • Transfer services and referrals

Student Success and Resources

At SFCC, we want to do everything we can to help you succeed in college. Therefore, we offer a variety of Student Resources and Support services to help you get through your studies.

Navigator Advising

Your personal navigator will help you plan your academic journey, stay on track for graduation and deal with obstacles along the way. 

Student Orientation

For students who are new to State Fair Community College, your success begins at orientation! Orientation will connect you to campus technology used in SFCC classes, answer questions about topics of concern, and introduce you to resources that will help you successfully progress through your program of study. 

Our new on-line orientation course, Roadrunner Ready, will provide you with the skills and knowledge to feel confident on your first day of class. To access this FREE course, log into OKTA>Canvas>Roadrunner Ready.

For more information, call the Student Success line at (660) 530-5831 or email success@sfccmo.edu.


It’s all about success! Our Starfish software program makes it easy for you to discover our support services and how to contact them when you have concerns. Your navigator and instructors also can use Starfish to contact you about your academic performance. It’s a powerful tool that can help you finish what you start.

Transfer Services

Your navigator can assist you with preparing for transfer if you want to earn a bachelor’s degree. We work directly with four-year schools in Missouri to make sure your credits will transfer easily. We host college transfer fairs to introduce you to college transfer representatives who will help you with transfer processes. Our motto? “Start here … go there!” Please contact us at transferservices@sfccmo.edu for more information.

Student Health Service

Not feeling well?  Need to see a doctor?  SFCC partnered with Katy Trail Community Health Center (KTCH) to provide same day medical services to SFCC students.  If students have health insurance, KTCH will utilize personal insurance for the office visit.  If students do not have insurance, KTCH will set up a payment plan, or may have grants that can assist students. If you need a same day appointment, please contact Student Success at 660-530-5831.

A list of additional resources is provided on mySFCC, Resource tab, Community and Veteran Resources.

SFCC Food Pantry & Caring Closet

Free, non-perishable food and personal care products are available to SFCC students who lack financial resources. The pantry is located in the Student Services in the Hopkins Student Services Building on the Sedalia campus; however, SFCC extended campus sites may have limited resources to share as well. Students can contact Student Success at (660) 530-5831 or by email at success@sfccmo.edu for more information.

Students may also click Food Pantry/Caring Closet to access the request form. Please allow 3-5 business days for a response. Available items are based on donations. Donations may be dropped off in the barrel next to the pantry or at any of the donation barrels located around the Sedalia campus.

Toll Free (877) 311-7322

Leave Ready!

State Fair Community College provides relevant and responsive learning experiences that empower our students and communities to prosper.

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