We provide support for SFCC students with disabilities. Our mission is to facilitate effective, reasonable accommodations; promote equal access and opportunity; continually improve accessibility; and educate our campus and area communities.

How can Disability Resource Center help me?

Disability Resource Center provides reasonable, appropriate accommodations for equal access to education to students whose disabilities have been verified by a licensed professional. The purpose of accommodations is to “level the educational learning field.” If there are changes in your disability status or if you need accommodations, you should contact the Disability Resource Center.

How do I get started?

  • It’s your responsibility to self-identify, to provide documentation of your disability and to meet with the staff to implement accommodations.
  • You are required to initiate a request for services—and encouraged to establish documentation—at least two weeks before the first day of each semester.
  • You must present appropriate documentation provided by licensed medical or psychological personnel. It must clearly state your diagnosis and the history of your disability.
  • You can mail the documentation to the Disability Resource Center, State Fair Community College, 3201 W. 16th St., Sedalia, MO 65301, or fax it to (660) 596-7279.
  • If you prefer, you may bring the documentation to the center, but only if it is in a sealed company envelope with the professional’s signature across the seal.
  • You must complete the necessary application paperwork and meet with the Disability Resource Center staff before you can receive accommodations.
  • After you receive approval and sign your accommodation acceptance letter, staff will notify your instructors of your approved accommodations.
  • Note: You are required to meet with the Disability Resource Center staff at the beginning of each semester to implement accommodations.

Is my information confidential?

Yes. Your records are confidential and are privately maintained by the Disability Resource Center, which will share information only on a need-to-know basis.

What accommodations are available?

Here are some examples of accommodations and services we offer depending on your disability:

  • Alternative test taking site
  • Modified testing arrangements
  • Test readers and/or scribes
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Tape recording of lectures
  • Visual assistive devices
  • Books in audio format
  • Closed caption television
  • Note takers to supplement notes

Are SFCC’s campuses accessible?

SFCC’s campuses include ample handicapped-accessible parking, curb cuts, entry ramps, power doors, elevators, and restrooms.

This process is in accordance with SFCC’s Regulations 2110- Equal Education Opportunity/Students with Disabilities and Regulation 2111- Equal Education Opportunity/Students with Disabilities-Documentation Requirements. For complete regulations, visit www.sfccmo.edu/about/policies-regulations and select 2000-Regulations.

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