When it comes to job interviews, first impressions are crucial.

Here are some tips to help you.

Before Your Interview

You probably know the basics:

  • Learn all you can about the company
  • Develop effective interview skills and practice them
  • Anticipate interview questions and how you’ll answer them
  • Bring copies of your résumé for the employer
  • Schedule a mock interview with Career Services
  • Arrive early
  • Dress professionally for the career you are pursuing; this does not always mean a suit! Wear clothing that is 1 step above what that job would require
  • Make eye contact and shake hands
  • Bring a pen! You may want to take notes so you can ask questions at the end of the interview.

During Your Interview

Employers are human. Studies show they’ll make critical decisions about you very quickly, and they rarely hire on merit alone. Yes, they want to be sure you have the skills and ability to do the job—but they also will be looking at other qualities, known as soft skills.

  • Personality
  • Enthusiasm
  • Confidence
  • Communication skills

After Your Interview

Thank your interviewers personally; thank them via email as soon as you get home; and follow up with a written thank you note to each person who interviewed you. We can’t emphasize this enough. If you and another applicant both seem equally qualified, the one who sends the thank you will have an edge. Period.

For more tips, tricks, helpful hints, and sage advice, check out the following links:

Mock Interviews

Call or email Career Services to schedule a mock interview with a local employer in your field, or SFCC Career Services staff. Virtual options are available as well. A mock interview is an excellent opportunity to practice and network simultaneously!

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