Choosing a career path—or even deciding on a major—can be difficult. We have assessment tools to measure your interests and aptitudes, and advisors to help you interpret the results and evaluate options for your future.

The Self-Directed Search (SDS) is a career interest test that asks questions about aspirations, activities, skills, and interests in different jobs. From the responses, the SDS produces your personal three-letter Summary Code, which you can use to find occupations and fields of study that match well with your personality.

SFCC students can contact the Testing Center if they want to take SDS or other career assessments such as Myers-Briggs, CITE, or others.

A career advisor is available to help you explore the results of your career assessments, evaluate options for the future or make a decision about your career. Call to schedule an appointment today.

Toll Free (877) 311-7322

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