We’re here to support student career development needs. We’ll help you target your job search, assess potential careers, craft great resumés and cover letters, and interview like a pro. Make an appointment today. Check out these services …

Save the Date

Please plan to attend these upcoming events! State Fair Community College will be hosting a Job & College Transfer Fair at the Sedalia campus on September 17, 2025 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Attendee registration is not required. This event is open to the community. 

Register Here

Contact careerservices@sfccmo.edu with questions.

Start Preparing for Your Career Now!

It’s never too early to start building your network and personal brand! Begin connecting by creating your profile on College Central Network and searching area employers and available job opportunities to become familiar with the current climate. Attend the Job and College Transfer Fairs to learn more about what companies do and to network. Participate in mock interviews to further connect with area employers. The more you practice and connect early on, the easier it will be when you graduate.

Area Job and Internship Opportunities

We use College Central Network as our official résumé and job posting service. Students can look for job openings in Agriculture and Natural Resources; Arts and Communications; Business, Management and Technology; Health Services; Human Services; and Industrial and Engineering Technology. Register for an account, post your résumé, target your job search, and access local, regional and nationwide employment and internship opportunities.

Career Assessments

We have a variety of assessment tools to help you make an informed decision about a potential career. Our staff can help you understand these tests and get on the right track.

Career Development Resources

We can help you explore career fields, research potential employers, hone your job-seeking skills, and land the position you want. Ask us about our resources today.

For Employers and Transfer Schools

SFCC offers excellent opportunities for employers and transfer schools to recruit on campus. We provide opportunities for you to talk about your school or business with our students, and we also will post your job vacancies for free. Contact us today.

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State Fair Community College provides relevant and responsive learning experiences that empower our students and communities to prosper.

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