The December Commencement Ceremony will be at 6 p.m., Dec. 13, 2024 in the Fred E. Davis Multipurpose Center


December 14, 2024

  • Adult Education and Literacy Graduation, 10 a.m., Stauffacher Theatre, SFCC – Sedalia

Ceremony Details


Reserved accessible seating is available in rows I and T. If you or your guest need wheelchair accessible seating, please contact the President’s office at (660) 596-7222 by the beginning of December. Accessible seating is limited, and reservations are encouraged.

Before the Ceremony

  • 60 minutes before the ceremony, candidates should begin lining up, single-file and alphabetically by program, in the designated hallway. Assistants will organize the lineup and count off rows. Family and Friends can begin seating.
  • Please have all personal needs taken care of before the ceremony begins and plan to attend the entire time, as certificates and degrees will not be conferred until the end.
  • Please silence your cell phone before the procession begins
  • You will not be allowed to carry anything with you during the procession

During the Ceremony

  • The board of trustees, administration and faculty will lead the students in.
    Walk slowly down the aisle, one arm’s length behind the person in front of you. When you reach your seat, face the podium and remain standing. Stand as the National Anthem is sung and then be seated.
  • All of the certificates and degrees will be recognized and conferred individually by groups (you will be asked to rise as they are conferred and then be seated). You will hand a card with your name and degrees/certificates to the individual who will read your name, as you walk on the stage. If you have a concern about the correct pronunciation of your name please notify the announcer. Then walk (no dancing, running, or other gestures) across the stage and shake hands with the president. You will receive an empty diploma cover.
  • The marshals will cue each row one at a time when it is time to “walk”. When it is your turn to walk across the stage, hand your reader card to the individual who will read your name, then walk (no dancing, running or other gestures) across the stage and shake hands with the president. You will receive an empty diploma cover.
  • Your picture will be taken two times: Once when you shake hands with the president and again when you exit the stage and then return to your seat and be seated.
  • Once all of the candidates have received their diploma covers, the president will ask you to stand and move your tassel to the left and then be seated.

After the Ceremony

The recession will begin with the platform guests, then faculty and professional staff will exit. Candidates will then be cued to rise one row at a time to exit. Keep the exits clear so the candidates after you can exit without holding up the line.

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