This Missouri Department of Higher Education program provides scholarship funds to eligible graduates of A+ designated high schools who attend a participating public community college.
Academic Records and Registrar maintains all records of enrollment, completions and degrees or certificates earned. We process transcript requests, enrollment verifications, schedule changes, and graduation applications.
  • (660) 530-5829
  • Student Services, Hopkins Student Services Center
Veteran Services helps veteran students reach their educational goals by providing services to active duty, National Guard, Reserve, retired, and disabled veterans. These services include explaining the different education benefit programs and how to apply for them; pay rates and process to receive pay; Troops-to-Teacher program; On-the-Job Training and Apprenticeship Training programs; and eligibility criteria.
  • (660) 530-5834
  • Financial Aid Services, Room 737, Hopkins Student Services Center
Ready to learn more about SFCC? This is the place to start! Admissions and Outreach offers you the opportunity to tour campus, learn about career options and help you through the admissions process.
Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) can help with High School Equivalency certificates, learning English, and offers free programs/services to anyone who wants to improve reading, writing and math.
If you're a graduate of SFCC, you're automatically a part of our alumni family. We hope you stay in touch and let us know how you're doing! Alumni services are provided by the SFCC Foundation.
  • (660) 530-5811
  • Heckart Science and Allied Health Center, Rooms 814-815

Toll Free (877) 311-7322

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State Fair Community College provides relevant and responsive learning experiences that empower our students and communities to prosper.

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