
Creating a Featured Event for the Website Calendar

Instructions for ReserveIt users to enter events to be featured on the website events calendar.

Events marked featured in ReserveIt are sent to Marketing and Communications daily for review and published to the website events calendar. The new process means some changes for how ReserveIt users create events.

Q. What events should be FEATURED on the public SFCC website?

A. Essentially any event, hosted by either SFCC or an outside organization that is open or closed to the public that falls into these categories: Community Sponsored; Fine & Performing Arts; Future Students; SFCC Events; and Student Activities. (NOTE: Athletics category is directed to

TRiO events and Instructional Design and Training Services courses need to be marked featured and will appear on an events widget on respective web pages rather than the events calendar.

Internal Use of Facilities events, i.e., department or student meetings and employee social events SHOULD NOT BE MARKED AS FEATURED.

Q. Will the event require reservation of more than one room?

A. If yes, you will need to create two entries in ReserveIt for the same event – a featured event AND a nonfeatured event.

Explanation: If your event requires you to reserve more than one room for one event, ex. all rooms in the MPC to book the building or all rooms in the Art wing of Stauffacher, EVERY room reservation will appear on the events calendar on the website, which is not a good calendar user experience. As a workaround, Astra has recommended creation of two events – one for the website and one to reserve all needed rooms.

A. If no, follow the instructions to Create a Featured Event.

Create Featured Event

Create an event in ReserveIt and populate these fields so that Marketing has the information to publish events to the website events calendar.

  • Event Information Screen
    • Event Name
    • Internal Description
      • Include 50- to 100-word event description (required and some descriptions will
        be supplemented by MarComm using press release content)
      • Customer (required) – This is the organization sponsoring the event. It could be
        your department, another department or outside entity.
      •  Customer Contact (required) – This is the person to contact to ask questions
        about this event. It could be yourself, another SFCC person or outside contact.
      • Include event website (if applicable)
      • Include event cost OR if event is FREE (required)
      • Registration required? (optional) Marketing can add forms to SFCC events on
        the events calendar (if one doesn’t already exist on a web page). If an SFCC event requires registration, please include all required fields and who should receive the information. Note: We cannot publish a form that asks for personally identifiable information such as birthday, SSN, student ID, etc.
    • Event Type (required, pick one)
      • Community Sponsored* – Events on campus sponsored by community
        organizations or businesses for nonprofit activities, open or closed to the public.
        For Facilities Mgmt. or Davis MPC staff use only. Contact Facilities Mgmt. staff for assistance in scheduling community-sponsored events.
      • Fine & Performing Arts* – Performances and productions sponsored by SFCC’s
        Art, Music and Theatre programs, including the Daum Museum of Contemporary
        Art and the Stauffacher Artist & Lecturer Series. For Fine and Performing Arts staff use only.
      • Future Students* – Events on campus for prospective students, including
        Roadrunner Preview Days, other visit days and Career Day; typically for
        Admissions use only
      • SFCC Events* – Events on any campus sponsored by SFCC programs or
        departments, open or closed to the public.
      • Student Activities* – Events on any campus for current students only.
      • TRiO** – Events on campus for TRiO students only; for TRiO staff use only.
      • Instructional Design and Training Services (IDTS)** – Training events and
        workshops for faculty presented by IDTS; for IDTS staff use only.
    • Customer – This is the organization sponsoring the event. It could be your
      department, another department or outside entity. If an organization doesn’t exist,
      open an ITS Help Desk ticket to have it created.
    • Customer Contact – This is the person to contact to ask questions about this event. It could be yourself, another SFCC person or outside contact.
    • Featured – CHECK MARK THE BOX.
  • Meeting Information Screen
    • Name (copy from Event Name)
    • Type (pick closest fit)
    • Description (copy from Internal Description)
    • Start Date – Actual start date (do not include setup time in this field)
    • End Date – Actual end date (do not include setup time in this field)
    • Start Time – Actual start time (do not include setup time in this field)
    • End Time – Actual end time (do not include teardown time in this field)
    • Location – Building and room (or main venue/starting point if multiple rooms are
    • Setup and Teardown – Edit the selected meeting, select the new setup/teardown tab and add specific instructions

*Only events in these categories will appear on the website events calendar
**Events in these categories will appear in events widgets on the TRiO and IDTS web pages respectively

Create Nonfeatured Event

Create an event in ReserveIt for the same event if it includes multiple meeting spaces.
This event will reserve all rooms needed for event.

  • Event Information Screen
    • Event Name – Append the event name with “BLOCK” in order to tell the difference
      between the events, e.g. EVENT NAME-BLOCK
    • Internal Description – can be brief
    • Event Type (pick one)
    • Customer – This is the organization sponsoring the event. It could be your
      department, another department or outside entity. If an organization doesn’t exist,
      open an ITS Help Desk ticket to have it created.
    • Customer Contact – This is the person to contact to ask questions about this event. It could be yourself, another SFCC person or outside contact.
    • Featured – DO NOT CHECK THE BOX
  • Meeting Information Screen
    • Name (copy from Event Name)
    • Type (pick closest fit)
    • Description (copy from Event Internal Description)
    • Start Date – Actual start date
    • End Date – Actual end date
    • Start Time – Actual start time
    • End Time – Actual end time
    • Location – All buildings and rooms required except main venue
    • Repeat to reserve multiple meeting spaces

Changing or Canceling Events

In the event of changes or cancellations to a featured event, please remember to change or cancel both the nonfeatured event and the featured event.

If a featured event is canceled, please notify Marketing and Communications.

Last updated 11/30/16

Approving Room Requests

I’m a room approver. How do I approve room requests?

Set up email to be notified of requests:

  • Events > Notifications
  • Click My Preferences
  • Click Edit
  • Click Add Schedule (below is a sample but choose the options that work best for you)
    • Set time frequency (every 1 minute, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
    • Set day pattern (daily, every 1 day)
    • Set date range (no end date)
  • Click OK
  • Click Save

Approve event requests:

  • Events > Notifications
  • Set the following filter options:
    • Is Notification = ‘No’
    • Is Active = ‘Yes’
  • Click Search

If there is enough information to approve an event, click the green check. If you disapprove, click the red dot.

If you need more information, hover over the “…”

If you want even more information,  click on the “view meeting detail” link.

Current Room Approvers

Approver First NameApprover Last NameRoom(s)
Christine BrownCargo Trailer; Parking Lots - AUTO, CTC, HOPKNS , MPC North, MPC South, STAUFF
AndyBurtCargo Trailer; Parking Lots - AUTO, CTC, HOPKNS , MPC North, MPC South, STAUFF
CarlaChildersFIELD Parking Lot, FIELD 253, FIELD 291
BradDriskillAGRI 400, 402, 404, 406, 407
AndraFergusonMPC 206
StefaniEadsFIELD 243
ShellyGardnerFIELD 226A, 277, 282
KristenHenningSTAUFF Theatre, YEATER 126
RochelleHockettOHWIC, Hallway, 1100, 1107, 1108, 1112, 1115, 1118, 1124, 1125, FIELD 200
GarryHolsteinDAUM Museum, DAUM Lobby, STAUFF 12
AmyJacksonFIELD 253, 291
MaryKaiserFIELD 226A
ChrisKindleSTAUFF Theatre, YEATER 126
LisaOesterleHOPKNS Board Room
KathyRumseyMPC 104, 118, 123, 163, 219, 220, Outdoor Walking Track, Soccer Field
JoeSchreimannSTAUFF Theatre, Yeater 126
SandraStroburgTech II (DC) 502
KelseyStuartSAH 801, 802, 803, 808, 810
JeffTackettFIELD Parking Lot, FIELD 253, FIELD 291
MarcieTeterDAUM Museum, DAUM Lobby, STAUFF 12
JoLynnTurleyHOPKNS Board Room
VickyWeaverDAUM Museum, DAUM Lobby, STAUFF 12
TimWellsSTAUFF Theatre, Yeater 126
EmilyWestermierFIELD Parking Lot, FIELD 253, FIELD 291