SFCCconsoles Wi-Fi

So you have a device like a smart TV, gaming console, or anything beyond your phone/laptop that you’d like to use? No sweat! This guide will help you unlock the power of the SFCC network for those awesome gadgets.

Here’s the lowdown

  1. Grab your trusted phone/laptop: Make sure it’s already connected to the SFCCsecure network (that’s the regular student Wi-Fi). This will be your secret weapon to register your other device.
  2. Head to the ClearPass Guest Portal: Think of it like a VIP lounge, but for your devices. Open a web browser on your phone/laptop and navigate to https://clearpass.sfccmo.edu/guest/.
  3. Time To Add Your Device: Log in using your SFCC student email address and password (you know the drill, “jdoe@student.sfccmo.edu” style). Once inside, click on the “Create Device” button.
  4. Fill Out the Device Profile: Here’s where you get to personalize things, like giving your device a cool nickname!
    • Give it a Name: Is it a streaming machine extraordinaire? A gaming champion? Let the world (or at least your room) know! (“Roku Rocket”, “Playstation Powerhouse”, etc.)
    • Find the MAC Address: This is like your device’s fingerprint. Usually, you can find it on the back of the device or in the settings menu. If it shows both wired and wireless addresses, choose the one that matches how you’ll be connecting it (cable or Wi-Fi).
    • Location, Location, Location!: Enter the room number where your device will be chilling.
    • Accept the Terms of Service: Think of it as a high-five for responsible internet use.
  5. Finalize the Registration: Click the “Create Device” button at the bottom, and voila! Your device should be ready to connect. 
    Bonus Tip! If you see an error message saying “This device is already registered,” don’t panic. Head to “Manage Devices” (also in ClearPass Guest) and remove the old entry, then try adding again. If that doesn’t work, reach out to the IT Help Desk – they’re the ultimate tech heroes! 
  6. Connect Away!: Now that your device is registered, you can connect it to the internet:
    • Wireless Warriors: Join the SFCCconsoles network with the password “GOroadrunners!” (remember, it’s case-sensitive).
    • Wired Wonders: Plug your device into one of the wired ethernet ports in your room.
  7. Level Up Complete!: You’ve successfully unlocked the power of the SFCC network for your awesome device. Go forth and conquer the internet (responsibly, of course)!

P.S. The registration lasts for about a semester (125 days). If you come back next term, you’ll just need to remove and re-register your device – it’s a quick process!