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In today’s marketplace, education is the currency for success. Every day, talented and deserving students take a first step toward new lives by enrolling at SFCC.

Ways to Give

However, many of these students face financial barriers that prevent them from obtaining college educations. Each year, the college receives more applications for scholarships than it has funds available. Even so, more than 75 percent of our students receive some sort of financial assistance to help pay for college.

Many of these students could not pursue their dreams without scholarship support. While the college is committed to keeping tuition as low as possible, SFCC faces the challenge of finding additional sources of funding to provide scholarships for more students. The success of our students depends on you, our donors.

There are many ways to establish a scholarship and to give to the SFCC Foundation, all of which help the college provide quality education programs, services and opportunities for our students and the community we serve.

Some of the ways individuals, corporations, foundations, and service organizations can give include:

  • Endowed Scholarships

    A minimum contribution of $10,000 will establish a permanent fund that may be named in honor or memory of an individual. The foundation invests the principal, and a portion of the earnings is made available each year in perpetuity for scholarship awards.

    You may establish an endowed scholarship with either a one-time gift or over a period of up to five years, or by making a planned gift to the SFCC Foundation. You may establish unrestricted or restricted endowments.

    Gifts of less than $10,000 may be directed to existing scholarship funds or to the general endowed scholarship fund. The foundation will invest the funds and proceeds will be allocated annually for scholarships.

  • Annual Scholarships

    Donations also may be restricted for a specific purpose on a one-time or annual basis. The fund is not permanent, nor is it a part of the foundation investment program.

  • Employee Annual Fund

    The SFCC Employee Annual Fund provides support where the need is the greatest. This fund gives the college the ability to respond quickly when needs or opportunities arise. Annual gifts from employees, foundation directors and Board of Trustees members are an important source of support for SFCC educational programs, scholarships, equipment, and faculty and staff development.

    Giving levels have been established to annually acknowledge generous donors who give to the Employee Annual Fund:

    21st Century Club$1,000 and above
    Gold Century Club$500-$999
    Silver Century Club$250-$499
    Bronze Century Club$100-$249
    SFCC Builders ClubUp to $99
  • In Honor or in Memory of Someone

    We all have people and events of particular importance in our lives. Making a gift to the SFCC Foundation is a wonderful way to honor a loved one or to recognize a significant occasion like a birthday, wedding or special accomplishment.

    These contributions go directly to support student needs. Simply write a check for any amount to the SFCC Foundation and let us know whom you wish to honor or memorialize. When we receive the check, we will send you a letter with tax deduction information and notify the appropriate persons that you have made a gift in their honor or in memory of a friend or loved one.

  • Legacy Walkway

    Legacy Walkway Order Form

    Make your mark on the SFCC campus by ordering your brick on the SFCC Legacy Walkway. Leave a message that generations of passers-by can view, read and appreciate. The bricks provide an excellent opportunity to honor a graduate, memorialize a loved one, recognize a business, or pay tribute to someone who has made a difference in your life. The Legacy Walkway is located outside the northwest doors of the Heckart Science and Allied Health Center on the Sedalia campus.

      Complete a separate form for each brick requested.

  • Gift of Securities

    While contributions often are made in cash, they also may be made with outright gifts of long-term appreciated stock or other securities. Your accountant or attorney can advise you as to when it is optimal to gift your stocks and bonds and what you need to do to assure proper documentation.

  • Gifts of Real Estate

    You may donate property to SFCC. Gifts of real estate will be reviewed by the foundation’s Development and Planning Committee before acceptance.

  • Make a Gift Now

    If you would like to make a contribution to the SFCC Foundation, call or come by the office located in Rooms 814-815 in the Heckart Science and Allied Health Center on the SFCC Sedalia campus.

Toll Free (877) 311-7322

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