October 02, 2020

State Fair is a campus that seems to always be busy. Even in the evenings students swarm the halls, rushing to rehearsals, soccer practices, or the library to study in quiet. As incoming freshman, or even returning sophomores, it’s highly encouraged to participate in clubs, activities, and events that are happening around campus. It is definitely a major part of the college experience, and State Fair provides numerous opportunities for students to gain this experience.

My freshman year at SFCC, I hadn’t expected to get involved in any activities whatsoever. I was there for work study, and classes only; however, as I began my classes, one class in particular really stuck out to me. That class was Introduction to Theatre, taught by Tim Wells. He offered extra credit points if we auditioned for the two upcoming plays: Mr Burns, A Post Electric Play and Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed. I wanted the extra credit, so I went to auditions, not expecting much. I had never really been much of a singer, and both shows were musicals. I landed a part as a chorus member, surprisingly enough. They didn’t seem to care that I’d never been involved in theatre before whatsoever, or that I was only average at singing! 

I accepted the role and made so many different friends and finally seemed to really mesh with the college itself. The upperclassmen were amazing and helped me in and outside of theatre. The directors helped us learn skills I hadn’t ever expected to learn, but I’m sure will stick with me as I move forward. Theatre isn’t the only club that provides experiences like this though. TRiO, theatre, cheer, and so many other clubs can be found throughout campus, each with their own welcoming aura. 

If joining clubs isn’t really your cup of tea, there is also a variety of activities that happen around campus. From get-togethers with puppies during finals, to donuts and coffee in Yeater, Mikaela LaRue, our Student Activities Coordinator, provides ample opportunities to make friends and take a break from the stress that seems to take on a life of its own once classes get going. I definitely suggest attending these activities from time to time, especially if you need a short break from piles of homework!

Another great way to get involved, is to apply for a work study position! By doing so, you still interact with other students, learn more about your college, and make money while doing so! If you’re looking to apply for work study positions, you can find that information in your mySFCC, along with resources for building a resume that may help!

Finally, living on campus allows you to interact with others more and get to know the people around you. My first semester of attending SFCC, I lived off campus and wasted not only a lot of my time, but also a lot of my money. I drove back and forth basically everyday. Moving into campus housing helped me to save that money and time, and put it toward stuff that was significantly more important. It allowed me to work on my homework more easily, hang out with my friends, participate in theatre, and relieved me of a lot of stress. It’s probably one of the best decisions I’ve made since I began my schooling at State Fair. 

Getting involved in student life can be a great asset to you, even if you don’t realize it yet! Take a break from all the stress once and awhile, and allow yourself to make friends and have fun. College is a major part of your life, make sure you stop to experience it instead of rushing through it head first!

Written by Taylor Ireland.


About the Author
Hi, I’m Taylor! I’m a sophomore at State Fair Community College. I’m heavily involved around campus as a residential assistant for the Student Life apartments, TRiO President for the Fall 2020 Semester, an active participant in our school’s theatre, and a work study for Student Success! I’m around campus a lot; unfortunately, I don’t often have time to chat with everyone, so hopefully blogs about my experiences at SFCC will help to aid you into either getting back into the groove of things, or help you start a groove if you’re new!


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