We offer scholarships in all our fine and performing arts programs. These scholarships are open to high school seniors, transfer students, majors, and nonmajors. You are welcome to audition for multiple programs.
How to Be Considered for Scholarships
To be considered for Music or Theatre scholarships, you must complete a scholarship application and audition.
Auditions are held by appointment only and on an individual basis.
Additional scholarship opportunities are available to students who participate in fine and performing arts activities. For more information visit the scholarships page.
How to Schedule an Audition
To schedule an audition, contact the instructor for the area of study you are interested in using the contact information on the left side of this page.
Auditions are typically held in the Stauffacher Center for the Fine Arts on the Sedalia campus.
Theatre Arts Audition Requirements
Acting/performance students: prepare two contrasting monologues or a monologue and song. We recommend you choose one piece that is light in nature and one that is rather serious. Select roles that are fairly close to your own age range and try to avoid unnecessary challenges such as accents. Each song or section of a song should be about 32 bars long. Each piece (monologues and songs) should be one to three minutes long. If you are auditioning with a song, please bring a CD to accompany your audition.
Design/technical students: provide a portfolio that includes, but is not limited to, copies of drawings, paintings, stage management paperwork, photographs, programs, or posters you have designed, constructed, etc. A portfolio on CD or flash drive is equally acceptable. As with performance auditions, we prefer to meet with you in person so you can present your work. If that is not possible, please email, mail or fax your portfolio to the Theatre Arts program coordinator and we will schedule a phone interview.
Music Arts Audition Requirements
Several music merit scholarships are available for both music majors and nonmajors. To be considered for vocal or instrumental music scholarships, you must audition with the Music Arts program coordinator. Providing a prepared piece is helpful, although not required.
Fine Arts Portfolio Requirements
To be considered for a Fine Arts scholarship, call the Fine and Performing Arts program at (660) 596-7387 to schedule an interview to present your portfolio. Your portfolio should contain 10 drawing examples as well as five examples of other art works. You are required to tour the Daum Museum of Contemporary Art on the Sedalia campus and visit an art class during your interview. Portfolios, or links to portfolios should be sent to the Fine Arts Instructor (see contacts on left).