Become an admitted student at SFCC. Apply to become a student here.
Log in to the OKTA dashboard, click Housing Cloud, click the application for on-campus housing. Complete the online application and submit the required $50 nonrefundable application fee. Once you Apply for housing, you need to upload, email or fax your meningococcal immunization record to or fax it to 660-596-7375. We must have your meningococcal record on file before you can proceed to the next phase of the housing application. If you have been wait-listed, you will also receive an email via your school email.
The housing application will progress in phases. The first phase after applying will be roommate matching, the system will show you your best match based on how you answer your application and roommate questionnaire. Contact with possible roommates until you have found someone you would like to room with and have in your suite (depending on housing preference).
The next phase will be room selections. You and your would-be roommate will need to select the same room to secure your spots. Residence Life will confirm the match and selection to finalize your housing application process. Residence Life will assign rooms and roommates on August 1st for the fall semester if no selection has been made by 31 July. An email with your official housing assignment will be sent to you via your school email. This will contain important information such as check-in dates, roommate information and what to bring.
Contact your roommate prior to check-in and coordinate what each of you will bring for the room. Using housing cloud or school email accounts are the best way for contacting your roommate.
Arrive on move-in day, meet your Resident Assistant and pick up your keys. Faculty, staff and students will help you with the move-in process. We will have a mandatory all-resident meeting after check-in.