What is an Access Grant?

A grant funded by the Missouri Department of Higher Education (MDHE)

Am I Eligible?

To be eligible for assistance you must meet the requirements for initial and renewal students found on the Access Missouri Financial Assistance web page.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

  • How Much Can I Receive?

    Award amounts are based on your EFC and the type of school you are attending when you receive the award. If you transfer to a different school, your award amount may change based on the type of school to which you transfer.

    Access grants are only awarded in the fall and spring semesters, not summer terms. Award amounts for the upcoming academic year will be estimated in August when the amount of funding for the program and the final number of eligible students are known. The estimated award amount for SFCC is $300 to $850 per year.

    Note: If you are eligible for A+ tuition reimbursement, your Access Missouri award will be reduced by the amount of the reimbursement. Award amounts may also be reduced if your total aid package, excluding educational loans and aid based solely on academic performance, exceeds SFCC’s cost of attendance.

  • How Can I Apply?

    There is no paper Access Missouri application to fill out. Submit your FAFSA by Feb. 1 (priority date) each year. The MDHE receives electronic FAFSA records for Missouri residents directly from the federal government.

    April 1 is the final deadline for FAFSA submission (funds permitting).

  • How Will I Know if I Am Eligible?

    SFCC will apply the Access Missouri grant to your account after Aug. 10 (or after MDHE announces the awards amounts to be given). If you are eligible, you will be able to see the award amount on mySTAR  > Student > Payment Center.

  • How Will I Receive My Award?

    Your award is automatically applied to your account.

  • How Do I Renew My Award?

    You may renew the Access Missouri award annually. To renew you must reapply and have your eligibility reevaluated. If you fail to file a new FAFSA by the deadline or your EFC increases to a point above the eligibility cutoff, you will not be eligible for an Access Missouri award for that academic year even though you received one the previous year. However, you may be eligible for an Access Missouri award the following year if your FAFSA is received by the deadline.

    If you are denied an Access Missouri award for not maintaining satisfactory academic progress or a 2.5 CGPA, you cannot receive another award until the enrollment period after you have once again met those requirements. You must maintain SFCC’s satisfactory academic progress policy which will be checked before each semester.

    Note: If, while you are receiving an Access Missouri award, you are found guilty of or plead guilty to any criminal offense that disqualifies you from receiving Title IV aid, you cannot renew your Access Missouri award.

    Visit Access Missouri grants for more information.

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