There are several financial aid options available for Missouri resident students. Programs like  the A+ Scholarship, Fast Track, Access Missouri, Bright Flight, Missouri Returning Heroes, and more are all designed to help students achieve their educational goals. Students may also be eligible to apply for SFCC scholarships the the college’s Foundation Office.

students smiling


Hoping for a scholarship? Keep your eyes on the prize. The SFCC Foundation has more than $245,000 in endowed scholarships to award this year. So keep up the good work, review the complete scholarships list and find out if you qualify.

Missouri A+ Program

Missouri’s A+ program provides scholarship funds—translate: free SFCC tuition—if you graduated from an A+ designated high school and are eligible. For more information, check out the Missouri Department of Higher Education’s A+ Program website.

Have questions? Find answers in our A+ Frequently Asked Questions.

Fast Track

The Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant is a new financial aid program for adults beginning with the 2019-20 academic year. The program addresses workforce needs by helping adults pursue a certificate, degree, or industry-recognized credential in an area designated as high need. More than 635 program areas have been designated as eligible. Click here for more details.

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