SFCC awards more than 250 scholarships each year, including merit-based, performance and leadership. Scholarships don’t have to be repaid and are generally competitive. Many are renewable.

girl with money and laptop

Scholarships at SFCC include:

  • The President’s Academic Excellence Scholarship
  • Achievement Scholarships
  • Performance Scholarships
  • Student Government Association
  • Campus Activities Board
  • Student Ambassador scholarships
  • High School Equivalency Scholarships
  • Foundation Scholarships

View Scholarship Opportunities for a complete listing of our available scholarships and their requirements.

Current Student Application

Current SFCC students can use this online application using their mySFCC log in username and password.

New Student Application

New to SFCC and do not have your log in?  Use this online application to apply for scholarships.

The Scholarship applications will become available on November 15th and will be due on March 1st.

The single application will be applied to all SFCC scholarship opportunities. Be sure to review your scholarship opportunities because some require an additional essay or needed documentation to be uploaded for consideration.

  • When does the application become available?

    The scholarship application is available online on November 15. 

    Students who have not applied to SFCC; use this online application to apply for scholarships.

    Current SFCC students can use this online application using their mySFCC log in username and password.

  • What is the Scholarship Application Deadline?

    Our Priority Due date is March 1st, but the application will remain open until June 30th.  Students who apply by the priority due date will be considered in the first round of scholarships available.

  • Are documents required to fill out the application?

    Some scholarship opportunities may require additional documentation such as letters of reference, certificates or an additional essay.  Review each opportunity that is available to you. The descriptions will have an “Apply” box and explain if there is additional information needed.

    For upcoming freshmen, make sure your most recent high school transcript and placement scores (ACT®, SAT®, or ACCUPLACER® tests accepted) have been submitted to the Admissions and Outreach Office.

  • Do you have any tips when filling out a scholarship application?

    Scholarship committees want to give funding to students who will be successful in their
    education. Your challenge is to “prove” to scholarship committees that you are a good
    investment! Demonstrate that you have qualities that will make you successful, such as: leadership, initiative, determination, integrity, service to your community, overcoming obstacles, commitment – to name a few. 

    Some tips to follow:

    • Start by identifying your skills, values, and strengths, then outline examples of past experiences where you have demonstrated these qualities.
    • Chart your process to keep yourself organized. Track the scholarship organization and address, application deadline, date you applied, required materials, date you should hear from them, etc.
    • Budget time to research and apply for scholarships. This process takes time commitment, and persistence.
    • Carefully read the essay questions for each scholarship. Write specifically about what the essay directions tell you to write about.
    • No typos! Grammar, punctuation, and spelling need to be flawless.
  • When will I know if I received an SFCC scholarship?

    The first round of scholarships are typically awarded between May to July for the upcoming academic year.  As the Financial Aid office receives new scholarship opportunities to award, announcements will be made and posted on the mySFCC student portal in the Financial Aid section. 

    Scholarships specifically for first time freshman/high school graduates are awarded in the months of April to May.  Nursing scholarships are typically awarded in October and March.  Other institutional scholarships such as athletic or performance scholarships are awarded to students by the coaches or performance directors.

  • What are SFCC Foundation Scholarships?

    The SFCC Foundation also offers a variety of scholarships. The foundation was launched in 1981 with a single check for $2,000 from J. Higdon and Bernice Potter, who wanted their estate to benefit the young people of the community. The nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation raises funds to meet the needs of the college, from new buildings, programs and services to scholarships for deserving students.

    Since it began, the foundation has given almost $8.8 million to the college from bequests, major gifts and endowment fund earnings—many from former students who appreciated the education they received at SFCC and wanted to give back. Current assets are nearly $8 million.

  • Are there scholarships specifically for Military/Veterans?

    Veterans can find numerous funding options here.

  • What if I receive a scholarship from someone else?

    If you receive a scholarship from a private organization, SFCC will comply with all stipulations of the scholarship. As a general rule, all private scholarships of more than $500 will be divided equally between fall and spring semesters, although they may be awarded in one semester at your request.

    • Endorse your scholarship check and mail to:

    State Fair Community College

    Financial Aid and Veteran Services/Scholarships

    3201 W. 16th

    Sedalia, MO 65301

    When we receive your check, we will add the funds to your account and note them as “Outside Scholarship.” Unless otherwise stated, the funds will first be used to reduce the amount of tuition and fees you owe, and then can be applied to book purchases.

  • What if my scholarships are more than what I owe at SFCC?

    Unless otherwise stated, the funds will first be used to reduce the amount of tuition and fees you owe, any remaining funds can be used at the campus store for books and supplies.

    If there are any funds remaining after tuition, fees, books and supplies are paid, you will receive the funds back at the next available disbursement date.  Disbursement dates are listed on the mySFCC student portal in the Financial Aid section.

  • Are there other scholarship opportunities available other than these listed?

    Other outside scholarships that become available are posted in the mySFCC student portal in the Financial Aid section.  Check back regularly as the list is updated throughout the year.  Also, check out the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development website for other state grants.

    BEWARE of scholarship scams! Watch out for phrases like:

    “This scholarship is guaranteed”, “You can’t get this information anywhere else”, “We need your credit card or account information”,

    “You’ve been selected” for an award you have never applied for, “The scholarship
    requires a small fee or attend a seminar on how to get financial aid for a small fee”.

    For more information or to report a scam: Federal Trade Commission.

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