The A+ Scholarship Program is a scholarship program that is funded by the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development.  A+ provides funds to students who earned their A+ eligibility in high school and attend a public community college or participating career/technical school.  This scholarship is paid by the state of Missouri after any federal grant for which you are eligible is applied. 

girl with money and pig bank in her hands

  • How Do I Start Using My A+?

    A+ is awarded by your high school. Your high school will need to send us a copy of your final transcript, which will have an A+ eligibility stamp. High school transcripts may be mailed to State Fair Community College, Admissions and Outreach, 3201 W. 16th St., Sedalia, MO 65301; faxed to (660) 596-7472; or emailed to

    You must complete the FAFSA and have it on file at SFCC. When we receive your FAFSA, we will notify you via your SFCC student email. You can log into your mySFCC student account and check the status of your FAFSA under the Financial Aid tab.

    If any materials are missing, they will be indicated by a red flag in the Financial Aid Requirements section. You will need to mail all supporting documents to Financial Aid and Veteran Services, 3201 W. 16th St., Sedalia, MO 65301; fax to (660) 530-5820; or email

  • What If I am Receiving the Pell Grant or Access Grant?
    • If you receive a Pell Grant, those funds will be applied to your account first. A+ funds will pay for the difference in the allowable amount the Pell Grant does not cover.
    • If you receive an Access Grant, it will be applied to your account if the A+ allowable amount is less than the Access Grant.
  • What Does A+ Pay For?

    At SFCC, A+ will pay for technology fees and tuition, up to the maximum A+ reimbursement tuition rate.

    The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (MDHEWD) determines the A+ maximum reimbursement tuition rate every year. It is your responsibility to pay whatever tuition is not reimbursed by your A+ funds.

    Recently, several of our programs were approved for the A+ reimbursement cap waiver. This means that students pursuing the following degrees at SFCC will get 100% of their tuition covered by A+ regardless if the rate is higher than the maximum A+ reimbursement rate.

    Automotive Technology

    Professional Certificate – Automotive Technology

    Associate of Applied Science – Automotive Technology

    Computer and Network Administration

    Skills Certificate – Enterprise Server Administration

    Skills Certificate – Information Security

    Skills Certificate – Storage and Virtualization

    Professional Certificate – IT Essentials Skills

    Associate of Applied Science – Computer and Network Administration

    Computer Information Systems

    Associate of Applied Science – CIS Accounting

    Skills Certificate – Computer User Support

    Skills Certificate – Programming

    Associate of Applied Science – CIS Programming

    Professional Certificate – Web Design Applications

    Associate of Applied Science – CIS Web Development

    Dental Hygiene

    Associate of Applied Science – Dental Hygiene

    Diagnostic Medical Sonography

    Associate of Applied Science – Diagnostic Medical Sonography

    Health Information Technology

    Professional Certificate – Medical Coding

    Associate of Applied Science – Health Information Technology

    Industrial Technology

    Skills Certificate – Electro-Mechanical Technology

    Professional Certificate – Manufacturing Production Technician

    Professional Certificate – Millwright Technician

    Professional Certificate – Robotics and Automation Technician

    Professional Certificate – Total Productive Maintenance

    Associate of Applied Science – IT Electrical Maintenance

    Manufacturing Technology

    Skills Certificate – Machinist Level I

    Professional Certificate – Machine Tool Technology

    Associate of Applied Science – Precision Machining Technology

    Skills Certificate – Structural Welding

    Professional Certificate – Pipe Welding

    Professional Certificate – Welding Technology

    Associate of Applied Science – Welding Technology


    Professional Certificate – Practical Nursing

    Associate of Applied Science – Nursing

    Occupational Therapy Assistant

    Associate of Applied Science – Occupational Therapy Assistant

    Radiologic Technology

    Associate of Applied Science – Radiologic Technology

    Surgical Technology

    Associate of Applied Science – Surgical Technology

  • What Does A+ Not Pay For?
    • Books
    • Course fees and other program-related fees such as testing or supply fees
    • Repeated coursework or classes
    • Dropped coursework after the 100 percent refund period or classes in a withdrawn status (“W” on transcript)
  • How Do I Keep My A+?
    • Maintain a 2.5 cumulative grade point average every semester
    • Enroll in and complete at least 12 credit hours in the fall and spring semesters and at least six credit hours in the summer semester (interim classes precede the upcoming semester)
    • Maintain “Satisfactory Academic Progress” as defined by SFCC
    • Seek a degree or certificate and be enrolled in classes to pursue the degree or certificate declared

    The Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (MDHEWD) may make announcements or addendums to the qualifying requirements for students. Although SFCC makes every effort to inform you of these changes, it is ultimately your responsibility to keep updated on and maintain all requirements for A+ eligibility.

  • When Will A+ Be Applied to My Bill?

    Since A+ is determined by your grades and grade point average, it cannot be added to your account until after the current semester has ended and grades have been posted. We will then review your transcript and determine if you are eligible to have A+ funds applied to tuition for the next semester. A+ will be added to your account during these time frames:

    • Fall semester – beginning of August
    • Spring semester – beginning of January
    • Summer semester – end of May

    Note: If payment is due prior to the dates listed, it is your responsibility to make payment arrangements with the Business office regardless of A+ eligibility.

  • How Long Can I Receive My A+?

    Your A+ eligibility expires when the earliest of the following occurs:

    • 48 months after the graduation date documented on your final high school transcript
    • You complete 105 percent of the hours required for the program in which you are currently enrolled
    • You receive an associate degree
  • What If I Drop a Class?

    If you drop a class during the 100 percent drop period:

    • Your A+ amount is adjusted for the amount of hours you are enrolled. You must be enrolled in 12 credits or more each semester.

    If you drop a class after the 100 percent drop period:

    • If you drop courses in a semester, the total amount of credit hours dropped will be deducted from your A+ funding, and you will responsible for paying the tuition charges for those hours. If you have an outstanding account balance, you will not be allowed to enroll in future semesters nor will you have access to official transcripts.

    For example: A student enrolled in 15 credit hours and drops to 12 credit hours after the 100 percent drop period. A+ will pay for 12 credit hours and the student will be responsible for 3 credit hours.

    • You are required to complete a minimum of 12 credit hours in the fall semester to be eligible for the spring semester. A course is considered complete if you earn a standard grade, including a failing grade but excluding a grade of withdrawal prior to completion. Withdrawn coursework remains ineligible for reimbursement in any term.

    If you do not complete 12 credits in the fall semester you will be ineligible for A+ funding in the spring semester. During the spring semester, you would need to complete at least enough credit hours to total 12 credits when combined with the fall semester in order to regain eligibility for the next semester.

    For example: A student completing nine credit hours in the fall would have to complete at least three credit hours in the spring to be eligible for the next fall semester.


  • Can I receive A+ if I am attending less than full-time?

    Yes, if you meet one of the following exceptions:

    • You are in your last semester and applied for graduation and your navigator sends Financial Aid confirmation via email.
    • You are taking all hours required for your degree.  Your Navigator will send the Financial Aid Office confirmation that you are taking all available hours.
    • SFCC has a documented disability on file. The Access Coordinator will confirm your status.
  • What if I repeat a class?

    A+ funds will pay for a course one time. Repeated courses are not covered by the A+ program, but the hours will count toward meeting the full-time credit hour requirement. 

  • Can I use A+ the first summer out of high school even though I’m attending another college in the fall?

    Yes – A student can use A+ funding the first summer semester out of high school at SFCC.  You must complete an admissions application and submit the current year’s FAFSA to start using A+. For example:  if you plan to attend classes in the summer 2022 semester, you will need to fill out the 2021-2022 FAFSA.

  • How do I renew my award?

    To renew, initial students must:

    • Complete the FAFSA, if applicable, in order to make a good faith effort to secure a Pell grant or other federal aid
    • Achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average by the end of the fall term.
    • Complete at least 12 credit hours in each fall and spring term in which you receive an A+ award (6 credit hours in summer).
    • Achieve a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average by the end of the spring term.

    To renew, renewal students must:

    • Complete the FAFSA, if applicable, each year in order to make a good faith effort to secure a Pell grant or other federal aid
    • Maintain a 2.5 grade point average and otherwise maintain satisfactory academic progress as defined by your school
    • Complete at least 12 credit hours in each fall and spring term in which you receive an A+ award (6 credit hours in summer).
  • What if I’m transferring from another college to SFCC?

    A student may transfer from another college or university and use A+ funding at SFCC contingent upon the following:

    • Official transcripts from previously attended colleges sent to SFCC
    • Must meet all other requirements to receive A+ Program funding
    • The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) established at a previous institution could impact A+ eligibility at the time of transfer to SFCC, please Financial Aid office for additional information on your situation
  • Are there four-year institutions that honor A+ scholarship?

    No.  A+ funds may only be used at public community colleges and/or participating career-technical schools located in Missouri.

  • Can A+ Scholarship be deferred?

    Yes.  If you are unable to attend school due to active duty service to any branch of the armed forces of the United States, you may qualify for a deferment of your scholarship eligibility. The deferment will ensure you receive 48 months of eligibility (see “How long can I receive an award?” above). You must return to full-time status within 12 months of the end of your military service and provide a copy of your DD214 to verify the length of your service in order to resume your eligibility.

    To defer your eligibility you must submit a written request to:

    Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development 
    ATTN: A+
    P.O. Box 1469
    Jefferson City, MO 65102-1469

Toll Free (877) 311-7322

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