Ready to apply? Fantastic! Find where you fit in the categories below, then follow the step-by-step process. Easy peasy.

What Kind of Student are You?

New or Transfer Student

  • New Student (first-time freshman)—If you’ve never attended college since graduating from high school or a home school program or obtaining an HSE—or if you have only dual credit—you’re considered a new student (first-time freshman).
  • Transfer Student—If you’ve attended or attempted at least one semester of credit at another college, you’re considered a transfer student.
  • How Do My Courses Transfer In? – Use this tool to determine how your courses transfer in to SFCC.

Returning Student

If you’ve previously attended SFCC or have attempted credit here, you’re considered a returning student.

High School Student

If you’re enrolled in high school or a home school program, you may be eligible to take dual credit or advanced credit classes and jump start your college education. Check out our College Now program to learn more.

International Students

International students are students whose primary residence is outside of the United States. You must meet federal government requirements through the Student Exchange and Visitor Information System (SEVIS) to be granted a Form I-20, and you must have paid the SEVIS I-901 fee.

You are not considered an international student, if you are a permanent resident or a non-citizen who is in the United States on a work permit,

Visiting Student

If you are enrolled as a degree-seeking student at another college or university, but want to take classes at SFCC, then you’re considered a visiting student. Prior to enrolling in classes at SFCC, it is your responsibility to contact your current college to confirm that the classes you want to take at SFCC will transfer. You must still apply for admission, be accepted and meet prerequisites for courses you want to take in order to enroll.

Personal Interest Student

If you want to take classes at SFCC and you’re not interested in receiving a certificate or degree, then you’re considered a personal interest or nondegree-seeking student. You must still apply for admission, be accepted and meet the prerequisites for courses you wish to take in order to enroll.

Prime Time Learner

If you’re 65 or older and want to take classes and you’re not interested in earning a certificate or degree, you’re considered a personal interest or nondegree-seeking student. The best part? Tuition is free!  You must still apply for admission, be accepted and meet the prerequisites for courses you wish to take in order to enroll. Applicable fees may apply.

Active-Duty Military or Veteran Student

Thank you for your service. Now, let us serve you. Learn about our special military tuition rate, tuition assistance and how to use your education benefits here. We’ll guide you through the enrollment process and provide the academic and support services you need to succeed.

Continuing Education Student

We believe everyone is a learner! If you’d like to take continuing education classes for fun, for professional development or just to learn something new, check out the hundreds of classes The LearningForce offers. You can take classes year round on health and wellness, hobbies, leadership, computer skills, dance, and lots more.

Adult Education and Literacy Student

Do you want to improve your skills in language arts, reading, math, social studies, or science so you can take the High School Equivalency (HSE) exam? Find out about our free classes here. If English is not your first language, or if you’d like to become a United States citizen, find out about those free classes here.

You can also brush up on reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and language arts to reach personal learning goals or prepare for college-level courses or placement exams. Find out how to enroll.

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