SFCC has students at all levels of family income, and 75 percent of our students who apply receive some form of financial aid. The average financial aid package last year was about $5,500. Many students also receive grants and scholarships.

 Fall 2024 – Summer 2025 Tuition

  • Per credit hour and effective fall semester 2024 through summer semester 2025
  • Rates are subject to change by the SFCC Board of Trustees; approved March 28, 2024
Programs (Course Codes)In-district residents*Missouri residentsNon-Missouri residents
Dual creditAll$79
Dual credit onlineAll$94
Base tuitionAll, excluding courses in Tiers 1-4$129$196$264
Base onlineAll, excluding courses in Tiers 1-4$179$246$314
Tier 1
Engineering Design Technology (EDT-formerly CAD)
Computer Information Systems (CIS)
Construction Management (CNST)
Health Information Technology (HIT)
Web Development (WEB)
Tier 1 online$204$271$339
Tier 2Cyber Security (CYB)
Industrial Technology (IEM, INDT)
Networking (NET)
Automotive (AUTO)
Precision Machining (MACH)
Tier 2 online$249$316$384
Tier 3Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC)
Welding Technology (WELD)
Radiologic Technology (RAD)
Excluding RAD 100
Nursing (NURS)
Excluding NURS 102 and 103
Tier 3 online$294$361$429
Tier 4Dental Hygiene (DH)
Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS)
Surgical Technology (SRGT)
Excluding DMS 100
Tier 4 online$404$471$539

*In-district tuition applies to residents of the following school districts:

Cole Camp R-1
Green Ridge R-VIII
La Monte R-IV
Lincoln R-II
Otterville R-VI
Pettis County R-12 at Dresden
Pettis County R-V at Hughesville/Houstonia
Sedalia 200
Smithton R-VI
Warsaw R-IX

Note: R in district name indicates reorganized.
Note: Internships are charged Base Tuition.

Active-duty military personnel, Reserve, National Guard members, and veterans and their dependents qualify for in-district tuition based on residency (must be in the primary “in-district” service area – Benton and Pettis County). Standard Missouri resident rates apply to active-duty military personnel outside the primary service area.

Section 301 of Public Law 115-251 amended in 38 U.S.C. 3679(c)

Section 301 of Public Law 115-251 is further amended in 38 U.S.C. 3679(c) to require that individuals using educational assistance under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E), also be charged the resident rate. Effective for courses, semesters, or terms beginning after March 1, 2019, a public institution of higher learning must charge the resident rate to chapter 31 participants, as well as the other categories of individuals described in title 38.

General Fee:

Technology fee (per credit hour) is $45

See Applicable Special Fees Here

Estimated base tuition and books for one year at SFCC calculated on taking 15 credit hours per semester:

  In-district residents Missouri residents
Tuition $3,825 $5,805
Technology Fee $1350 $1350
Books $1,000 $1,000
Total $6,130 $8,080

These estimates are based on attending fall and spring semesters and do not account for online or tiered course tuition or include room and board, living or travel expenses or any additional special or course fees. Costs will vary depending on program choice and class schedule.

For more information on the cost of attending SFCC, visit the Cost of Attendance page on the Financial Aid and Veteran Services website.

Tuition Payment Information

Tuition Payment Information includes everything you need to know about when tuition payments are due, the different payment methods available and FAQs about paying your bill.

Payment Plan Information

Having a plan to pay for college makes the process much easier. We offer two payment plan options, accepted payment methods, plus tips on how to enroll and FAQs about payment plans and the mySFCC Payment Center.

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