Welcome! We know you want a great education and a great college experience, and we guarantee you’ll find both here. Get the training and education you need for today’s jobs, explore new ideas and enjoy an active campus life. Be a Roadrunner!

Admissions Office

Visit SFCC

Ready to see SFCC? Visiting is a great way to find out if we’re the right fit for you. Kick the tires and take a test drive of the campus! Choose the visit option that’s right for you and discover why we think being a Roadrunner is pretty amazing.

What Kind of Student Are You?

No matter where you are on life’s journey–whether you’re a recent grad or an old hand at learning, a transfer student or an international traveler, an adult ed student or a lifelong learner taking classes for fun–we’ll help you get there! Find your student type and follow our easy application steps.

Ready to Apply?

Use the Enrollment Checklist to make sure you have everything covered to help streamline the process of enrolling at State Fair Community College.

Apply Now

Ready to apply ? It’s online, it’s easy, and it’s free! After you finish your application, be sure to check your email! We will send you instructions on what you need to do to get accepted to SFCC.

After you’re accepted

Congratulations! Once you’re accepted, your next step is to make a Navigator appointment by logging in to mySFCC and clicking the Starfish icon, so you can enroll in classes.  Also, you will need to take the FREE Roadrunner Ready – online Student Orientation course (available 24/7) to learn about SFCC technology, resources and how to be ready for success!

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State Fair Community College


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The official Instagram for State Fair Community College. #BeARoadrunner 💙💛 SFCC is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

May we hold those lost this day, forever in our ...

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Rowdie ordered textbooks early, did you? If not, ...

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Order your

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We are hiring! Join us from 10 am - 1:30 pm on ...

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Textbook buyback is offered all year at the SFCC ...

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Toll Free (877) 311-7322

Leave Ready!

State Fair Community College provides relevant and responsive learning experiences that empower our students and communities to prosper.

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