General Education Mobile (GEM)

The GEM program allows SFCC  to offer general education courses online for Air Force and Space Force personnel who want to complete the CCAF Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree requirements.

Why Choose SFCC?

gem logoGEM students, including Air Force/Space Force Reservists and National Guard, receive SFCC’s lowest tuition rates, regardless of where you reside. Depending on your exact situation you’ll qualify for either the In-State or In-District tuition rate. Tuition and fees are subject to change.

SFCC has offered classes at Whiteman Air Force Base in Knob Noster, Missouri, since 1988. We understand how important it is to provide personalized service to military personnel.

Why was SFCC Selected to Participate in the GEM Program?

  • SFCC is a member in good standing of the Service Members Opportunity College (SOC).
  • SFCC has been committed to providing learning opportunities to the United States Air Force for more than 30 years.

Get Started Today!

The information that follows will guide you through the online application process. Just read through these hints, and then apply online. It’s that easy!

  • Are you a new student? Select the “first time user account creation” link at bottom of the online application screen and follow the prompts to access the application.
  • For “Application Type,” select “Standard” from the pull-down menu if you are active-duty military personnel seeking a CCAF.
  • Note: GEM students who only want to take classes toward the CCAF are not eligible to apply for financial aid. Active-duty students seeking a degree at SFCC may apply for financial aid.
  • Spouses and dependents of active-duty personnel also may apply to SFCC and receive the lowest tuition rates (in-district or in-state). Use the above link to apply and select “Standard” application type.
  • Within three business days, you will receive an email from Admissions and Outreach with details on how to enroll in classes.

Submit the secure online application located at the top or bottom of this page.

Learn about other online degrees you can earn at SFCC, current tuition and fees, and search for all classes.

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