The SFCC Dental Hygiene Clinic delivers quality oral healthcare to the community while educating future hygienists. The state-of-the-art dental clinic is on the upper level of the Fred E. Davis Multipurpose Center on the Sedalia campus.

Our dental hygiene students are trained to deliver comprehensive evidence-based dental care. They start seeing public patients after they have passed extensive competency exams their first semester. Students are supervised by experienced dental hygiene instructors and a supervising dentist is available for consultations and referrals.

Dental hygiene students, under the supervision of experienced staff, are able to assess, educate and treat patients with periodontal disease.

What they’ll learn:

  • Expose radiographs (x-rays)
  • Advise patients on preventive issues, such as dietary changes needed to arrest and prevent decay
  • Administer local anesthesia and nitrous oxide
  • Administer dental sealant
  • Perform therapeutic interventions and strategies

Cost of dental hygiene treatment:

All appointments are $25 with potential/additional costs below:

  • Exam and cleaning $25
  • Child exam, cleaning and fluoride $25
  • Bitewing radiographs $10
  • Full-mouth radiographs $20
  • Panoramic radiograph $20
  • Scaling and planing (per quadrant) $25

Appointments are scheduled two times a day on days that vary by semester, and patients are asked to be available for two to three hours for each appointment. The length of time is due to the thoroughness of care and so students can be evaluated on the procedures they perform. Patients may require more than one appointment to complete treatment.

Call the Dental Hygiene Clinic at (660) 596-7309 for appointments.

Toll Free (877) 311-7322

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