Program Requirements

Many courses offered in this division satisfy general education requirements for Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and Associate of Science (AS) degrees. Many also are prerequisites for other classes.

Chemistry Lab


Understanding fundamental mathematical concepts and their applications is essential for the majority of programs offered in post-secondary colleges and technical schools. Through these courses, you should learn problem-solving and decision-making skills that will serve as a basis for continued learning. See all math courses in the current college catalog here.

Life and Physical Science

These courses develop your understanding of the principles and laboratory procedures of life and physical sciences and teach you how to apply the empirical methods of scientific inquiry. You’ll learn how scientific discovery changes theoretical views of the world, informs our imaginations and shapes human history. See all physical science courses available in the current academic catalog here. See all biological science courses available in the current academic catalog here

Associate of Science in Chemistry or Engineering

SFCC offers an Associate of Science in Chemistry (ASC) degree and an Associate of Science in Engineering (ASE) degree. They are the only AS degree programs offered in the college’s 14-county service area. These programs provide you with the first two years of study toward bachelor’s degrees in either chemistry or engineering.

Math and Science includes all classes in these categories:

  • Biology
    • Introduction to Biological Sciences, Human Biology, Wildlife Conservation, Human Anatomy, Principles of Genetics, etc.
  • Chemistry
    • General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Elementary Organic and Biochemistry, etc.
  • Earth Science
    • Physical Geology, Environmental Geology, Introduction to Astronomy, etc.
  • Math
    • Pre-Algebra, Business Math, Technical Math, Contemporary Math, Trigonometry, Calculus, etc.
  • Physical Science
    • College Physics, General Physics, Technical Science, Statics, etc.

Developmental Courses

Developmental courses are designed to make sure you have the skills you need to succeed in college.

All associate degrees require at least one math course and at least one writing course. Some certificate programs also require math or writing. Reading is required for students whose scores fall below a certain level. The required math and writing courses for each degree are listed in the SFCC online catalog.

What Do My Placement Scores Mean?

All associate degrees require at least one math course and one writing course. Some certificate programs also require math or writing. The required math and writing courses for each degree are listed in the SFCC online catalog.

Your placement scores are used to enroll you in the level of math and writing where you are most likely to succeed. Once your scores have been determined, you can view the placement chart for math, writing, and reading courses.  Your Navigator can help you understand which classes you will be enrolled into based on how you scored.

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