With billions of people using the internet every day, companies have changed the way they do business. We’ll give you the education and hands-on experience you need to succeed in the fields of computer networking and information systems.

Computer and Network Administration

Is This Program Right for Me?

To be successful in this program, you need excellent computer skills; critical thinking and problem-solving skills; the ability to think logically and analytically; attention to detail; and strong communication skills.

SFCC’s AAS degree teaches you the skills you need to become a systems administrator, IT specialist, IT manager, network administrator, or network manager. It also prepares you for a number of certifications, including A+, Security +, CCNA, MCSA, or MCSE.

The Skills Certificate in Enterprise Server Administration includes Server Administration and Directory Services courses plus electives from other server technologies; the Skills Certificate in Information Security includes security courses plus electives like Ethical Hacking and Digital Forensics. The Skills Certificate in Storage and Virtualization will train you to consolidate servers in corporate data centers to save power and increase efficiency.

Occupational Outlook

Demand continues to grow for highly trained employees in the computer networking and information systems fields. With SFCC’s AAS degree, you can work as a systems administrator, IT specialist, IT manager, systems analyst, network manager or administrator, or network technician. Salaries range from $55,100 to $98,400.

Data Sources – The website mynextmove.org, which is developed and maintained by the National Center for O*NET Development, under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, and the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC).

This program is offered at the Sedalia campus. Take a tour of our facilities in Sedalia in the video below.

See why the computer networking and information systems program is right for you.

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