Chemistry is the study of substances—their properties, structure and the changes they undergo. You’ll study analytic, physical, organic, inorganic, and biochemistry, giving you a solid background for a variety of career fields.


Is This Program Right For Me?

To be successful in the chemistry field you should have strong analytical, critical-thinking, observation, and technical skills; excellent time-management and writing skills; strong interpersonal and speaking skills; inductive and deductive reasoning skills; and persistence in the face of obstacles.

This program is designed for pre-med majors or students who want to earn a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at a four-year institution. It provides you with the first two years of study toward a Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Central Missouri (UCM) in Warrensburg. At SFCC you’ll take basic courses common to most chemistry disciplines and continue in specialized areas at UCM.

We also offer transfer agreements with other colleges and universities. However, chemistry programs at other colleges differ slightly, so we strongly suggest you work closely with both SFCC and the receiving institution to map out your four-semester degree plan.

Occupational Outlook

Chemistry majors work in most all industries as chemists; chemical engineers; environmental consultants; analysts for water, nutrition, materials, and pharmacology; and biochemists (forensics, paternity, genetics, and medical procedures), to name a few specific areas. Wages in Missouri for chemical engineers with bachelor’s degrees range from $54,740 to $127,360.

Data Sources – The website, which is developed and maintained by the National Center for O*NET Development, under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration, and the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC).

  • This program is offered at the Sedalia campus.

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