


Agriculture today is big business. Whether you want to work on your family farm, go into ranching or focus on ag marketing and sales, we’ll give you the skill set to be outstanding in your field.




Feeding the world is no small task. At SFCC you’ll get hands-on training in soil and plant science, how crops grow and the factors that affect yield. Your job? Devise new ways to grow more food on fewer acres. Just food for thought.

Animal Science

Animal Science

Animal Science

“Animal Farm” we’re not. But we can teach you the science and business of efficient livestock production, animal care and management, preparing you for the job market and a variety of great career options.




At SFCC, we let you play in the dirt. You can dig, plant and grow flowers and vegetables to your heart’s content while you learn about nurseries, landscaping, lawn care, and all things horticulture. Pretty sure this program will grow on you!

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State Fair Community College provides relevant and responsive learning experiences that empower our students and communities to prosper.

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