
In 2015, SFCC developed a five-year strategic plan called 2020 Vision. One of the priorities identified in that plan focused was valuing employees. Based on results of the Great Colleges to Work For surveys of 2015 and 2017, the Campus Quality surveys of 2012, 2014 and 2016, the Patron Insight focus groups in fall 2016, a group of seven college employees who attended the April 2017 Higher Learning Commission’s Strategy Forum identified Shared Leadership as an improvement project

Consequently, the Shared Leadership Team met regularly from 2017-2018 to determine a plan to address leadership and decision-making issues. The team defined the current strengths and challenges and explored and studied other college leadership structures. The team’s goals were 1) identify options for a realigned administrative leadership structure that would decentralize decision-making, improve employee satisfaction and increase employee involvement and 2) define protocols to guide decision-making at the action level and at various levels of leadership.

A major outcome of the Shared Leadership project was the establishment of the College Council.


The College Council is comprised of campus leaders who lead and represent constituents from across SFCC. The council’s function is to assist the president in planning for the future of the college; to work collectively toward the achievement of the college’s strategic goals; to advise the president on matters of administrative policy and regulation; and to ensure institutional effectiveness in all of the college’s endeavors.

The council focuses on overarching strategies and policy recommendations for SFCC. The council may designate sub-committees, task forces or work groups to tackle and/or monitor specific initiatives. Its focus will be on broad planning issues.


The College Council is to provide representation of stakeholders throughout SFCC and to provide insight and recommendations to the president on matters that include the following:

  • Approval or revision of SFCC regulations to the president
  • New or revised SFCC policies for the president to potentially present to the Board of Trustees
  • Approval or revision of proposed budget assumptions/priorities to the president
  • Approval or revision of the college’s strategic plan to the president
  • Monitoring of SFCC Score Card and Institutional Key Performance Indicators
  • Assigning actions to committees or teams related to the items listed above as related to the council’s mission


The College Council meets at least nine times per year to review all ongoing issues listed on the agenda. Meetings are generally once a month. The president sets the meeting dates and agenda in coordination with members.

Meetings are open to college personnel and students. Prior to attending, visitors who want to make comments should read guest guidelines.

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