SFCC has offered classes at Whiteman Air Force Base since 1988. We are proud to help our military reach their educational goals. 


Campus Description

The SFCC-Whiteman Campus is located on Whiteman Air Force Base on the second floor in the Buckingham Professional Development Center (PDC) . We have a large computer lab, a biology lab, physics and chemistry lab, several academic classrooms with smartboards, and a large student commons area for you to use before and after your classes. We have vending machines on the first floor and a student use microwave in the commons area on the second floor. Additionally, there is free wifi throughout the building.

Computer Lab

The computer lab is located in Room 207 and is open from 7:30 a.m. – 10:20 p.m. (or until the last class leaves for the evening) Monday through Thursday and 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. on Fridays.

Class Format

To meet your educational needs, general education classes are offered throughout the day, evening, and on Saturdays. We also offer classes in different formats. We have the standard on-ground (instructor and students in the classroom together), hybrid (same as the on-ground class with less in-class meeting times), web conferencing (instructor and students at a different locations using Zoom web conferencing software for class meeting sessions). Many classes will utilize Canvas and other course specific software to enhance the learning environment.

Length Of Classes

To help meet your continually changing schedule we offer classes in different lengths; 16-week, 12-week, and 8-week long classes in the fall and spring semesters. For the summer semester we normally have 8-week, 6-week, and 4-week long classes. At the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters we offer a few 2-week long classes.

Classes on the Whiteman Campus average between 8 and 12 students normally. Most of our classes meet twice a week either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Many of our hybrid classes meet just once a week. The classes held during the day (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) normally utilize web conferencing. Many of our classes are held in the evening with most starting at 4:55 and ending at 7:35. We even have a few classes that start at 7:40 p.m. and end at 10:20 p.m.

Whiteman Classes

Classes are open to military, veterans, and their dependents. If you don’t already have access to Whiteman, the SFCC-Whiteman office can request access for you to attend our campus’ classes. Once you’re enrolled in a Whiteman class, we would need a copy of your valid driver’s license and we’ll submit your information through the base’s security channels and they’ll perform a criminal background check. As long as you don’t have any outstanding warrants or felony convictions your access will usually be approved. If you do not already have access to the base you should contact the SFCC-WAFB office at (660) 563-3358 to find out how to gain access.

Areas of Study

• Associate of Arts degree for transfer to a four-year college
• Associate of Arts in Teaching
• Classes in programs offered at other SFCC locations

Tuition Rate

Active-duty military personnel, Reserve, National Guard members, and veterans and their dependents qualify for either the in-district or Missouri resident rate depending on where you live no matter what state is your home of record. If you live in our primary service area of Benton and Pettis counties you’ll most likely qualify for the in-district rate (our lowest tuition rate). If you live outside of our primary service area you’ll most likely qualify for the Missouri resident rate.

For non-military, your tuition rate is based on where you live. Please refer to the SFCC Tuition Rate web page for a more detailed on our tuition rates.

General Education Mobile (GEM)

The GEM program allows you to earn your Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree online. In most cases, the CCAF AAS degree requires 15 semester hours of general education courses. That means you’ll need to complete coursework in; communication, humanities math social sciences, and writing. SFCC has 20 general education courses approved by the GEM program. Completing the 15-credit hour GEM program is a big step toward earning your CCAF degree. At SFCC, that means you may have to only take 5 classes to meet your CCAF AAS general education requirements. Many SFCC general education courses are offered in 8-week online format 5-times a year. Taking advantage of this condensed scheduling helps you fit your educational goals and needs into your busy and dynamic schedule. Think about it, if you were to take 2 three-credit hour classes each 8-week session you could complete your CCAF general education requirements in less than 30-weeks. For more information, visit SFCC’s GEM fact page and the CCAF GEM web page.

Testing Services

SFCC-WAFB is a certified National Testing Center for active duty military and anyone who has access to the base. We normally have CLEP, DSST, Pearson Vue testing sessions two to three times a week. For CLEP exams you must register first with CLEP. For a Pearson Vue exam please schedule through the Pearson Vue website. Placement testing is done throughout the day by appointment only. To schedule a CLEP, DSST, or placement exam please call the SFCC-WAFB office at (660) 563-3358.

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